Nowadays, most tennis players work hard on their game. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always translate into winning more matches. In my first year playing college tennis, I actually had a really bad year, even though I worked my butt off. Many factors play a role when it comes down to playing well and winning.

So what is 1 skill that can help you win more matches without having to practice more or work even harder? 

Before I go into it, allow me to share some benefits of this skill…

> Will reduce your chances of injury (studies confirm this).

> Your timing will be more accurate and fluid.

> Your decision making will improve.

> You will feel better and enjoy tennis more⁠.

Any idea as to what this skill is?

It’s the ability to calm your mind! More specifically, it’s about slowing down your brain wave states. This is simple, but not easy.

Many experts or coaches tell players to be present, focus, or play point for point. However, not many explain HOW to do it… ⁠

Most players are not programmed to be in the present moment or even know if they really are present. At any given moment, you are either doing one of these two things: thinking (past/future through your mind) or observing (being present through your 5 senses).

As you’ve probably experienced, if you overthink or worry, you play worse. It’s critical to get in touch with the present moment so you can take advantage of the benefits I shared above.

Practical Tip > Feel your heartbeat or any part of your body. and simply observe it. Instead of trying to change or do something with it, just allow it to be.

By maintaining your focus on your body, you slow down your brain waves. Just watch what happens… 


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